Out And Proud Parents Day

July 30th


July 30th is Out and Proud Parents Day where we invite Proud Parents of LGBTQI+ children to come out and be role models within their community using the hashtag #OutAndProudParentsDay

We understand the importance of parental role models within communities helping other parents accept their LGBTQI+ children.

We are inviting all proud parents of LGBTQI+ individuals to take part on 30th July – to help inspire other parents to open their arms and accept their child.

How to get involved(1).png
  • Letter to religious leaders

    We are asking all parents to sign an open letter to religious leaders of the UK asking them to take a lead and show support for LGBTQI+ individuals, and their parents, within their communities.

  • Out And Proud Parents Day

    Find Support

    Help us make a positive difference – to stamp out homophobia caused by religious and cultural misinterpretation. We welcome donations and sponsorship to help support the work that we do.

  • Hear from some of Proud Parents

    We understand the importance of parental role models within communities in helping other parents accept their LGBTQI+ children.

    Meet the proud, accepting parents who have shared shared their stories and coming out experiences.